Monday, January 9, 2012

Adventures in couponing

I am by no means an extravagant person. I do not get plastic surgery - although of I could afford it, I would get complete body lipo - ha ha!! I do not live in a fancy house - it is nice, comfy and home. but we live like most Americans - a little above what we should and God has really laid it on my heart this year to work to be more frugal. we have things in our future we would like to do and we would like to do it debt free. I am hoping and praying for a job with my Master's Degree - but in this economy - who knows. We could get second jobs - but in doing so would sacrifice the family and our own time we are trying so hard to carve out.

So, I am couponing. I am not an extreme couponer - by any means. But I am working at finding the best deals and the coupons to go with them. Yesterday was my first shot - and I did pretty well. I saved over 76 dollars. We are laying a stock pile of things we run out of a lot - when you have to RUN to the store - you generally do not save money. I was pleased with the outcome and I feel blessed that god is giving me a way to help provide for my family. It also gives me some needed alone time - there is not much of that in a house with two toddlers.

For years, my Dad would chastise me for not using coupons. Now that he is not here - I am doing it. he was the first person I wanted to call when I got my receipt. Hopefully he knows.

Will you see me on a future episode of Extreme Couponing - NO! But I am happy to do my part to take my family a little further down the road god has set before us!!!


Thursday, January 5, 2012


I thought I had today's blog all figured out until a former student ( whom I love and adore) posted on facebook that someone told her she needed to wear makeup. This girl is a natural beauty! I am not gorgeous, I am overweight and yet I know I am a beautiful person. Why? well part of it is because I know God has made me beautiful, part is my husband always tells me how lucky he is to have such a beautiful wife and mostly because I am beautiful on the inside.

As a teacher I have taught some gorgeous students. Just plain out physically attractive. On the outside that is. i see it everyday. society has grown a generation of beauty gurus. the crimp and straighten and paint on their war paint to perfection. But would they help an elderly lady carry groceries. do they thank someone for holding the door open for them? No - they cheer when there is a fight - they clap when a girl gets her extensions ripped from her head. I have seen ugly things come out of these babies mouths.

beauty is like my former student - who lent an ear and a shoulder to a student who lost a grandparent. Who hugged her teacher after she returned from burying her father. Beauty is the young man who cleans my whiteboard just because it needs to be done. or the man who stood up to another student because the popular (supposedly beautiful) kids were picking on one of his friends.

"Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. " 1st Peter 3:3-4.

My prayer for my granddaughters, my daughters, me and for you my friends is that we stand up as Christians and redefine beauty for this generation.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Trust in the Lord...with all your heart

I am a control freak. I am not proud to say it. I just know that one of my strengths is getting things done. I am a problem solver and a doer. However, God has shown me I need to let go of some of the control I crave and let Him lead. I need to trust him.

I used to be a very trusting person. Then I was hurt by people I trusted most - family and in one case - the closest person one can ever have  - a spouse. I vowed never again to let my life control me. I thought I would and could control every situation. I WAS WRONG! While my strengths are admirable - and desirable. No one can control everything - no one but God that is. I was reminded tonight while Tim and I did our marriage devotional that God is always there before us - plotting and fighting our way for us.

The Israelites in Deuteronomy 1:30-31 had to be reminded of this. "The LORD your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, 31 and in the wilderness. There you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.”  Just like I have to be reminded of this.

I hope that you will pray for me that i learn this lesson and can start putting my trust in the Lord - completely! I also ask that you pray as students return tomorrow that I can find a way to show God's love and light to a lot of hurting kids who may not otherwise see the love of God. - This is so difficult in a public school setting - but is one of the reasons I have chosen to be a public school teacher!!

God Bless!


Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

I know it has been way too long since I wrote anything. Life happens - or we let it happen to us. 2011 was a year of challenges. A LOT of challenges. But here I am on the 2nd day of 2012 - still facing life with my husband at my side, my kids in pretty good shape and 3 grandchildren. I don't usually do the whole resolutions thing - but I have come to the conclusion that I NEED to make some changes in my life.

More to the point - God has shown me I NEED to make some resolutions and changes in my life. The first of which is taking time for myself. This is where this blog will give me that outlet to express my thoughts and feelings. The list goes on from here:
2. Draw closer to God - inwardly and publicly
3. Eat healthier
4. Exercise - yea - I NEED to!!!
5. Laugh a lot
6. Laugh with my husband more - by spending more time just the two of us - so if you know of any babysitters - send them my way!!!
7. Couponing - you will here more about this as the year goes on!

Realizing that that the precious time God has given us here on earth should be LIVED - thus why I changed the name of my blog - My ultimate new year's GOAL is to live, laugh and love. God has blessed me and I plan to enjoy it!!!
