Thursday, June 23, 2011

I am a bad blogger....I let life get in the way....

I promised myself months ago that life would not get in the way...but I let life get in the way...but I am so over that! I have had a good first month of summer. I got a new job and I am really really excited about it - those of you who know me really understand this. I moved another daughter back home...i laugh that just about 2 years ago at this time, Tim and I were beginning the empty nest stage and now our nest is full - almost overflowing. I am trying to relax and have more fun....i rejoined the Y - to work out some - but mainly to have activities for Anneshia and I to do together. I have discovered she loves to swim!!!

I have had some disappointments too - but that is just part of life here on this earth. i am working on becoming a Cosmic soldier....and we are not fighting people - but rather a very real demon in Satan. he attacks with lies and I fully admit - I am human and fall for them - just like Eve - but I am working at cleaning my Spirit to go into battle. The first thing I am cleaning is my lack of thankfulness. I have so much to be thankful for and I do not thank God enough for the blessings he has given me - so i am making a list starting today.
  1.  A wonderful, loving, loyal, honest and caring husband.
  2.  3 beautiful daughters - who do have faults but love their Mommy - who has her own faults with all their hearts.
  3. 2 amazing, gorgeous, smart  and adorable granddaughters who grandma spoils rotten.
  4. A job with a descent salary.
  5. A beautiful house
  6. A nice car - not a necessity - but God has allowed this luxury for me.
  7. My health - with 7 abdominal surgeries, poor eyesight and this year's cancer scare - I am so thankful i have nothing wrong with my health.
  8. A wonderful church!!!!
  9. An amazing group of women I have the pleasure to call friends!
  10. A beautiful flower garden - I know this is God because I normally kill plants!!!
  11. Laughter - what a gift from God!
  12. A beautiful world - how can we not thank Him for the wondrous world He created?
i plan on continuing this list in each of my blogs - as i continue to make sure I take time for me!!!!

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