Friday, June 7, 2013


Remembering - that's why I made this picture yesterday! Although I continue to lose and I see differences in my endurance - I felt in a funk when I hear about some people's miraculous weight-loss. so I dug up this old picture of me and made this as a reminder of just how far I have come! I need to remember that it is a process! I can do this! Anyone can do it!!!

Today i tried something new and fell in love with it! It was the Power Hour at Title boxing Club! i know I am going to be sore - but it felt good. I am still training for my Pikes Peak climb - it is less than 6 weeks away! I have been walking stairs and walking long distances! 

I have a new job! i will be teaching 6th grade LA next year. Was a little bummed I didn't get an administration job - but I know this is where God wants me! I will be in a much more positive environment - which will help with stress which helps with weight-loss!!!

So remember - if you are struggling - take a look back and remember how far you've come!

1 comment:

  1. thanks! while i am thrilled with my BFF's progress on her weight loss, i feel a little discouraged when i have only lost 14 pounds the hard way and she has lost 35 so far from weight loss surgery. i know surgery is not easy, but some days it seems easier than diet and exercise! thanks for reminding me that i am only competing with myself!
